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Christian movie-makers looking in Laurel for people to play parts

A Los Angeles-based Christian movie company is making a new film, and the producers are looking for some locals to fill a few roles and a lot of seats at the Arabian Theatre in downtown Laurel.

Twin brothers Rich and David Christiano of Christiano Film Group are making a new movie called “Mind Reader,” which is set in 1972, so they need people who can dress and look like they’re in that era.

Volunteers ages 16 and up will be needed for two to three hours starting at 6 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 5 at the theatre and for about 1-1/2 hours starting at noon on Saturday, Nov. 6. Extras can volunteer for one or both days.

The extras whose hair and clothes fit the time period best will be seated closest to the actors. The producers ask that no one wear sneakers or light-colored pants or shoes. 

Other scenes will be filmed around the Pine Belt Oct. 29-30 and Nov. 10-19, and extras will be needed then, too.

Anyone who’s interested is asked to email

The Christanos have been filming Christian movies since 1985. Some of their works include “Remember The Goal,” “The Perfect Race,” Power of the Air,” “Play The Flute,” “A Matter of Faith,” “Amazing Love: The Story of Hosea,” and“The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry.”

Their latest work, “Mind Reader,” is a story about a mentalist in the early 1970s that will have “a very strong evangelistic message,” according to the website. “The goal for the Christiano Brothers remains as it from Day 1, and that’s to produce movies and projects presenting messages for Jesus Christ. And eith that purpose in mind, it makes all the difference.”


Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-10-31